The Mac version of this application utilizes Apple's Mac Catalyst technology and is intentionally designed to minimize Mac-specific customizations. This approach serves to illustrate the standard behavior experienced when adapting an existing iPad app for use on a Mac. By avoiding excessive alterations, the developers aim to provide users with a familiar interface that aligns closely with what they expect from the original iPad experience.
User testimonials highlight the importance and effectiveness of this application. Paul Hudson emphasizes that Adaptivity is essential for iOS developers, as referenced in his Hacking With Swift article. Gui Rambo describes it as an excellent reference tool for both developers and designers, while Sean Allen suggests that investing in this tool is a wise decision. These endorsements reflect the app's reputation and its value within the developer community.
Among the main features of the application, users can visualize various layout aspects such as sizes for full views, layout margins, and safe area layouts. The app displays sizes in both points and pixels, accommodating for the scaling dynamics of Catalyst apps on macOS 10.15. Furthermore, it offers options for navigation visibility and supports multiple window management, allowing flexibility in user interaction. Adaptivity also embraces dark appearance mode, enhancing usability under various lighting conditions.
In addition to main features, Adaptivity provides several other views and controls. Users can interact with elements like popovers and split view controllers, tailoring their experience to their needs. The app also boasts extensive exploration capabilities of system colors, fonts, and images, offering a comprehensive toolkit for developing visually appealing applications. This versatility is crucial for developers aiming to create modern and robust Mac apps that resonate well with users.
Lastly, Adaptivity (A) for Mac is available as a universal purchase, meaning that buyers get both the macOS and iOS versions when using the same Apple ID. This integration is beneficial as the iOS version adds even more features such as keyboard interactions, Siri shortcuts, and support for Watch and iMessage applications. Overall, Adaptivity presents a valuable resource for developers who want to enhance their app-building process, ensuring that they are well-equipped to design apps that work seamlessly across Apple devices.