The application revolves around the game of Parchis, which is based on the traditional board game Pachisi. The gameplay begins when a player rolls the dice, which dictate how the pawns can be moved around the board. Pawns that are still in the nest cannot move, and players must roll a five on one die or the sum of the dice to bring them out of the nest. If a player rolls doubles, they can utilize this advantageous situation by moving two pawns out of the nest simultaneously. Once in play, a player can move one or two pawns according to the number rolled, or they may opt to move a single pawn by the total of the two dice rolled. If no valid move exists, the player's turn is regarded as forfeited.
While moving a single pawn according to the total of the die, players can capture opponent pawns if they land on the same space. An example provided illustrates a scenario where a player rolls doubles, allowing strategic movement that can lead to capturing an opponent's pawn. Importantly, players must always use the rolled values, and if two rolls must be forfeited, the lower number is chosen automatically. Additional movements earned by capturing an opponent’s pawn or transitioning a piece to home must be applied after all die rolls have been accounted for.
Parchis also incorporates the concept of blockades, which occur when two pawns from the same player occupy the same space. Such blockades cannot be penetrated by any pawn, including the owning player’s, and may restrict movement for up to a certain number of turns according to local house rules. Players are free to bypass the home row and start another circuit of the board based on their rolls, which adds an extra layer of strategy to the game. A player's turn concludes once the next player rolls, after which any unclaimed rewards are forfeited.
The game presents opportunities for rewards, which enhance a player's movement capabilities. If a pawn sends an opponent back to their nest, the player earns a free move of twenty spaces. Additionally, landing a pawn in the home space permits a free move of ten spaces. The ultimate objective is to bring all four pawns to the home position, which can only be achieved with exact die rolls or through earned rewards. Parchis can be enjoyed online with real players, delivering an engaging experience reminiscent of traditional board gaming.