Set in the 1970s, the story follows the iconic stoner duo, Cheech and Chong, who find themselves in the small town of Hierba Verde, which translates to “Green Herb.” The atmosphere is relaxed and laid-back, a perfect setting for the duo's escapades. However, despite the quaint backdrop, Cheech begins to express a need for cannabis, and Chong is quick to agree, showing their united enthusiasm for some good herb.
With limited funds and a handful of seeds, Cheech and Chong embark on a mission to expand their resources. They engage with local businesses, looking for opportunities to turn their meager assets into something substantial. Their shrewdness and entrepreneurial spirit, combined with the help of a corrupt mayor, allow them to transform simple marijuana buds into a flourishing business venture, effectively creating their own cannabis empire.
However, as their operations grow, so does the attention from law enforcement. A persistent police officer named Stadanko is determined to apprehend Cheech and Chong, threatening to put them behind bars for life. This looming danger adds a layer of excitement and urgency to their adventures. The duo, equipped with support from their friends, constantly devises clever ways to evade capture while enjoying their escapades along the way.
The game, titled Cheech and Chong Bud Farm, serves as a free-to-download platform that embraces a hemp and marijuana lifestyle. Players have the option to purchase select items for real money, but the game can be enjoyed without a constant internet connection, albeit with limited functionality. This flexibility ensures that users can engage whenever they please.
By installing the app, players can take on the role of Cheech and Chong, building businesses, earning cash, and ultimately striving to become the boss of their very own weed empire in Hierba Verde. The entertaining premise invites players into a world filled with humor, adventure, and the colorful antics of the beloved characters. For more details regarding user privacy and terms of service, links are provided for further reading.