Goldspoon is a high -end community consisting of 140,000 selected members and operates in a 100% member system. The platform was founded in April 2018 based on three principles: Certification, Economy, and Right Meeting. The community is mainly included in professional workers and successful entrepreneurs, and elite members who have passed the passing standards gather.
Goldspoon manages the members' profile more thoroughly than the marriage information company, and is building trust by introducing a document certification system. Through this system, male and female members submit the necessary documents and issue certification badges to create a reliable environment. Women's members are allowed to join through the profile screening of existing members, so these members are already satisfying high standards.
Goldspoon provides a space for more high -profit members in a monopoly with professional members. In particular, in conjunction with the Korean Public Health Association and the Korean Public Health and Oriental Medicine Association, many employees of professional and high -income companies are joined. Thanks to this background, members can form a reliable network and meet opponents with expertise and high economic power.
In addition, Gold Spoon has a thorough management system for bad members, and prevents non -manner members through profile verification and reporting system. Even after meeting, there is a multi -stage verification system that immediately stops an account and requires authentication procedures when married or non -manner is found. Lastly, members participate in meetings that match various hobbies and interests to continue their natural meetings, and thus develop into a serious relationship. Meet a trusted opponent through Gold Spoons.