Hero Realms, an innovative card game developed by the creators of the acclaimed Star Realms® Deckbuilding Game, merges elements of deckbuilding with engaging trading card game combat. Players start with a basic deck of cards and utilize Gold to acquire new actions and champions from a central row, enhancing their decks as they progress. By strategically playing these cards, participants can generate powerful effects, obtain additional gold, and launch attacks against their opponents. The objective is straightforward: reduce your opponent's health to zero to achieve victory.
This game emphasizes strategy without the complication of card collection. Unlike many collectible card games, Hero Realms allows players to dive right into the action without needing to gather rare cards. Every player begins with the same foundational deck and competes to build a more effective deck through choices made during the game. Success in Hero Realms relies on player skill and tactics rather than the accumulation of an extensive collection of cards, ensuring a level playing field in every match.
Hero Realms also encourages players to develop their characters, or heroes, by selecting from various classes. Free players can start with the Fighter and Wizard classes, leveling up their heroes to gain new skills and abilities. The game features balanced matchmaking that pairs players of similar hero levels against each other, but adventurers can opt to challenge stronger opponents for the chance to earn more experience points and establish their reputation in the game.
In addition to player versus player matches, Hero Realms supports cooperative online gameplay where players can team up to face off against difficult AI bosses. Free players can access the Pirate Lord mission, while those who purchase the Base Set gain access to additional cooperative missions. Furthermore, solo players can engage with the Welcome to Thandar campaign, a series of scripted, story-driven challenges against a variety of AI opponents. The free version provides players with a taste of the game, while the Base Set unlocks a full range of content, including new classes, levels, and missions for a more comprehensive experience.