The application offers an enjoyable free two-week trial, allowing users to explore its full range of features. It streamlines voicemail management, enabling users to read, reply, search, play, and share voicemails effortlessly. With capabilities like custom greetings, voicemail sharing, voicemail-to-text, and email integration, users can personalize and organize their voicemail experience significantly.
One standout feature of the app is its ability to transcribe voicemails into text, making it easy to read and search through messages without having to listen to them. This functionality not only enhances convenience but also helps users prioritize their voicemails quickly. Additionally, the app includes a call blocker, which protects users from spam and unwanted callers, ensuring that only relevant messages are received.
Hullomail also provides unlimited storage for voicemails, allowing users to keep important messages indefinitely. Users can create custom voicemail greetings tailored to different callers, enhancing their experience. Furthermore, voicemail sharing features enable users to forward unread messages to partners or email accounts, ensuring that vital messages are not overlooked. Voicemails can be accessed from any device through email, making it easy to manage communications on the go.
There are two subscription options: Hullomail LITE and Hullomail PRO. The LITE subscription includes limited voicemail transcription and storage with essential features, while the PRO version offers comprehensive access to all functionalities, including unlimited voicemail storage and the ability to search through messages. Users must be aware that the service requires specific carrier support and that certain prepaid plans may not be compatible. Additionally, the app emphasizes that transcription accuracy may vary, and users should check their carrier’s capabilities for the best experience.