Ice Age Adventures is an exciting mobile game that follows the adventures of Sid, Manny, and Diego from the popular animated movie franchise. In this game, the herd finds themselves in a dangerous situation as they are floating out to sea on a piece of land during a continental cataclysm. It's up to Sid to rescue his friends and bring the herd back together, and he needs your help to do it.
In this game, you can play as Sid, Manny, and Diego as you explore unknown environments such as snowy islands and treacherous lands. Along the way, you will encounter extreme hurdles and threatening foes that you must overcome in order to find the missing herd. To save the animals, you will also have to play a match-3 mini-game and sled with Sid to rescue the herd's babies.
As you progress through the game, you can also recruit Precious, a new character, to help you bring the herd together quickly. In addition, there is an exciting and addictive runner mini-game where you must help Scrat escape an avalanche. You can also use rescued animals as power-ups to aid you in your journey.
One of the unique features of this game is the ability to compete against friends in daily and weekly challenges, earning big rewards. The game also features a unique storyline with the official voices of the three playable characters, making it even more immersive. The beautiful 3D graphics and fun animations bring the world of ICE AGE to life.
Ice Age Adventures is free to download and play, but there are in-app purchases available. You can collect virtual currencies, such as Berries, Shells, and Acorns, as you play the game, which can be used to care for your virtual animals or buy in-game items. There may also be waiting times associated with certain actions, but you can skip them using virtual currency. If you don't have enough virtual currency, you can earn more gradually over time or purchase it with real money. In-app purchases range from $1.99 to $99.99, and you can control them using password settings.
This game is available in multiple languages and requires an additional download of 50 to 150 MB to play. Please note that the size of this download may change without notice. Some aspects of the game also require an internet connection, and certain features, such as playing with or against other players, may require a connection to a social network like Facebook or Gameloft LIVE! However, this connection is not necessary to progress through the game. Lastly, there may be third-party advertisements in the game that will redirect you to external sites.