The application is designed to help users prepare for the AZ-204 Microsoft Certification exam by offering 13 distinct tests that encompass all relevant topics associated with the certification. Each test has been carefully crafted to ensure comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, making it an essential tool for anyone aiming to achieve this important certification.
Each of the 13 tests contains a total of 130 tailored questions that reflect the knowledge and skills required for development on the Microsoft Azure platform. This extensive range of questions ensures that users engage with all necessary areas of study, equipping them with the understanding needed to successfully navigate the certification exam.
In addition to the questions, the app also provides 65 related articles for each test question. These articles serve as valuable resources for further learning, enabling users to deepen their understanding of specific topics and gain insights into Azure development concepts. This combination of questions and articles promotes a well-rounded learning experience.
The app includes a tracking feature that allows users to monitor their learning progress over time. This functionality is useful for identifying areas of strength and weakness, enabling users to focus their studying more effectively. Importantly, the app can be used offline, so learners can prepare even without an internet connection, making it convenient for on-the-go studying.