Set in the year 2099, a fascinating future unfolds where people possess the ability to buy and sell memories. The game centers around a private investigation office known as [Vigil], which is always awake and bustling with activity. As a player, you will step into the shoes of Dell, the youngest member of this detective office. Dell has experienced a significant loss, as she cannot recall her own memories, and she is determined to piece together her past while tackling a crucial case that the office has taken on.
The narrative introduces an eclectic cast of characters working alongside Dell, each contributing to the story in unique ways. You'll encounter Ain, a star who is a bit eccentric, Syd, known for reckless behavior, Hansol, the frugal freelancer, Jeff, the bumbling boss, and Mode, a particularly lethargic rabbit robot. This diverse group brings a mixture of charm and humor to the game, and the interactions among them create a vibrant dynamic that enhances the overall experience. Their quirky personalities and explosive chemistry ensure that players will find them engaging as they unravel the mystery together.
As the sixth release from Storytaco, known for the popular game ‘Dangerous Fellows,’ Mayday Memory offers a rich and immersive experience within the interactive storytelling genre. The game combines elements of drama, comedy, and romance, all while presenting a compelling narrative focused on memory loss and the intrigue of detective work. Players can expect shocking plot twists and a blend of genres that sets it apart from traditional visual novels. The developers aim to provide an expansive story that allows players to shape their character’s journey, making choices that create a personalized experience.
The game offers several intriguing features that enhance gameplay beyond simple romantic interactions. It is described as an interactive otome visual novel where the chosen character is the true protagonist. Players can expect touching character arcs and beautiful illustrations as they progress. With mechanics that allow players to give gifts and discover different facets of characters, the game encourages deeper engagement. Players will utilize energy instead of complicated systems or burdensome tasks, focusing instead on enjoying the story and collecting memories documented in a diary as they navigate through the episodes. Additionally, there are clear notices concerning the necessary phone permissions for full functionality of the app, ensuring a smooth user experience.