There is an intriguing city hidden within the forest, a place once thriving and vibrant with friendly inhabitants. This city was a picturesque location, filled with beauty and life, where people lived harmoniously. However, disaster struck one fateful day, leading to a catastrophic event that ravaged the entire city, leaving it in ruins and desolation. The once lively atmosphere was replaced with misery, as the residents struggled to cope with their ruined surroundings.
In the aftermath of this destruction, the inhabitants of the city find themselves at a loss. They are uncertain about how to restore their once-beautiful home and improve their circumstances. Faced with despair, they are reaching out for help, and that is where you come in. The residents are in desperate need of assistance to renovate and redecorate their beloved city, transforming it from a forgotten place into a thriving community once more.
Your mission in this game is to take charge and help rebuild the city. This involves selecting various tools to fix and decorate different spaces within the city, including rooms and houses. You'll engage in a matching game where you connect similar items to find the tools necessary for your renovations. As you progress, you'll be tasked with completing various objectives, enabling you to develop and beautify the city's environment further.
The gameplay features a range of exciting elements. You will have the opportunity to explore different areas of the city, unlocking new sections as you design and improve your surroundings. With over 100 unique items to discover and beautiful landscapes to create, the visual appeal of the game is captivating. You will encounter stunning graphics and a variety of furniture pieces to choose from, enhancing your creative experience as you work to make the city a better place.
To play the merge city game effectively, you'll need to utilize strategic thinking. You'll drag and combine matching items to produce the necessary tools for renovation. At times, buying original sources may be required to craft new items. By tapping on the tools you've created, you can begin the renovation process, working diligently to complete all tasks within the game. Ultimately, your goal is to merge and construct a wonderful dream town, bringing joy back to the residents and establishing yourself as the mayor of the city you design from the ground up.