The application, titled "Don't Stop Supporting Me!", presents a unique survival program that challenges contestants to survive solely on donations while isolated on a remote island for a week. The show gathers seven distinct cast members, each with their personal motives for participating. Set against a backdrop of beautiful nature, the atmosphere quickly shifts from serene to sinister, as the contestants face life-threatening situations during their stay on the island.
This interactive thriller, called "On Air Island," takes place on a mysterious island filled with suspense and danger. The narrative unveils a creepy and dramatic story surrounding the main characters who find themselves trapped and struggling to survive. As participants confront their fears, the audience plays a significant role—active viewers can influence the fate of the characters, deciding whether they thrive or meet their doom in perilous circumstances.
As the contestants strive to escape the increasingly threatening environment, they are continuously pursued by ominous forces. The tension escalates as night falls, intensifying the sense of dread and complexity of their situation. Facing the encroaching darkness, the cast must use all their wits and courage to find a way out of this chilling labyrinth, making their survival a gripping quest that transcends traditional survival themes.
This game is specifically designed for those who relish enigmatic stories or are fans of light novels. It caters to players who seek experiences beyond typical gameplay, ideal for people looking for innovative storytelling in the indie game genre. By shunning the usual conventions of survival shows, "Don't Stop Supporting Me!" promises an enthralling experience that invites players to engage with the story in a fresh and dynamic way.