The SESAME STREET MECHA BUILDERS app has been nominated for the Kidscreen 2025 award in two categories: Best Game App – Branded and Best Learning App – Branded. This imaginative app is inspired by Mecha Builders, a CGI-animated series that transforms beloved Sesame Street characters like Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Abby Cadabby into robot heroes. These characters utilize their STEM superpowers to tackle unique challenges, demonstrating the power of perseverance as they often need to try multiple times to achieve their goals.
One of the key features of the app is its focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. Children can guide their Mecha Builder friends through various playful activities that not only entertain but also engage them in solving STEM-based challenges. This hands-on approach allows young learners to explore important concepts in a fun and interactive format, making learning enjoyable and effective while they develop critical thinking skills.
In addition to STEM, the app encourages creativity and imaginative play. Young users are provided with various tools to express themselves artistically, whether through drawing, painting, or exploring colors. The app continues to expand its range of creative activities, including those related to music, meaning there is always something fresh for kids to dive into. This emphasis on creative expression allows children to further develop their artistic skills, enhancing their overall learning experience.
Another vital aspect embedded in the app is emotional development and resilience. Through guided activities, children will have opportunities to foster essential life skills such as persistence, self-expression, and resilience, all while emphasizing the importance of open-ended play. This nurturing environment not only empowers children to explore and experiment at their own pace but also strengthens their understanding of themselves and their emotions. Additionally, the app provides resources and support for parents, allowing them to engage alongside their children in meaningful learning through play. Overall, the SESAME STREET MECHA BUILDERS app represents a holistic approach to learning that integrates creativity, STEM education, and emotional growth.