Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously

Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously - iOS Social

2.8.2+76 by Nam Young Jin
(0 Reviews) December 10, 2024
Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously

Latest Version

December 10, 2024
Nam Young Jin
File Size
56.9 MB
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More About Chat - Make friends by chatting anonymously

If you need to talk, but find it difficult to open up to those around you, why not try talking to someone you are unfamiliar with but find exciting?

Are you tired of the tedious sign-up process? It only takes a few seconds to sign up and start chatting! With SuDa, an anonymous chat service, you don't need to go through a complicated sign-up process. Simply enter the required information and start chatting right away.

Communicate in real-time with 1:1 anonymity. Your personal information will be strictly protected :) SuDa is a space where you can comfortably share the stories you've been wanting to tell. Share your daily struggles and hardships with ease.

Express your feelings freely. You can express a variety of emotions such as gratitude, excitement, and joy without any restrictions. You can also choose what kind of conversation you want to have, as long as the other person agrees.

Have a healthy and clean chat. With a thorough filtering system, you can chat in a clean environment. We strictly monitor and handle any slander, profanity, adult content, and advertisements in real-time. SuDa prioritizes providing a wholesome service and ensuring the safety of its users.

Who would enjoy using SuDa? - When you need someone to talk to on a boring and lonely day - When you want to share small stories from your daily life - When you want to get to know someone new of the opposite gender - When you want to talk to someone who doesn't know you on a day when things aren't going well - When you want to share a problem that you can't tell the people around you - When you want to make friends in your local area - When you want to find friends of a similar age - When you want to make friends through messaging, social media, or phone calls.

The cleanest 1:1 chat app on the app store. Start chatting with great people around you today~.

Developer email: [email protected]
Developer contact: +821056168822
* Please note that it may be difficult to reach us by phone due to remote work. You can expect a response within 24 hours by contacting us through email or the in-app inquiry form.

● 번거로운 가입절차 너무 귀찮죠?
몇초도 안되는 가입부터 채팅까지!
수다는 익명 채팅 서비스로, 복잡한 가입절차가 필요 없어요.
필수 정보만 간단히 입력하고 바로 채팅을 시작해봐요.

● 실시간 1:1 익명으로 소통하기
여러분의 개인정보는 철저하게 지켜집니다 :)
수다는 하고 싶었던 얘기를 편하게 털어 놓을 수 있는 공간이예요.
일상에 지치고 힘들었던 이런저런 얘기를 편하게 나누어 보세요.

● 마음 표현도 자유롭게~
고맙고, 설레고, 즐거운 다양한 감정을 마음껏 표현할 수 있어요!
어떤 대화를 나눌지는 우리가 직접 정할 수 있어요.
무엇이든 상대방도 허락한다면!

● 건강하고 클린한 채팅
꼼꼼한 필터링 시스템으로 클린하게 채팅할 수 있어요!
실시간 모니터링으로 비방, 욕설, 19금, 광고 등을 엄격히 처리하고있어요.
수다는 건전한 서비스 제공과 이용자의 안전을 최우선으로 생각하고 있어요.

● 수다! 어떤 친구들이 하면 좋을까요?
- 심심하고 외로운 날 대화 상대가 필요할때
- 일상 속 소소한 이야기를 나누고 싶을때
- 새로운 이성친구와 대화를 통해 알아가 보고 싶을때
- 오늘 하루 너무 일이 잘 풀리지 않아 나를 모르는 누군가와 대화하고싶을때
- 주변 사람들에게 말 못 할 고민을 털어 놓고 싶을때
- 가까운 지역의 친구를 만들고 싶을때
- 나와 비슷한 연령대의 친구를 찾고 싶을때
- 톡친구, SNS친구, 전화친구를 만들고 싶을때

앱 스토어에서 가장 클린한 1:1 채팅 어플
주변의 참 좋은 인연들과 오늘부터 이야기 나눠보세요~.

개발자 이메일: [email protected]
개발자 연락처: +821056168822
* 원격근무 진행으로 유선 문의는 연결이 어려울 수 있습니다.
이메일 또는 앱내 문의하기를 통해서 문의주시면 최대 24시간내로 답변을 받으실 수 있습니다.

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