Set in the year 2035, the narrative revolves around a world devastated by resource scarcity leading to global conflict. The player is given orders to launch an attack on the enemy's naval base during a tumultuous storm, where a confrontation with the enemy fleet ensues, setting the stage for intense maritime warfare and strategic gameplay.
The game's central feature is its emphasis on strategy, allowing players to assemble an unparalleled fleet comprising millions of warship variations. Commanders are encouraged to demonstrate their tactical prowess against opponents, reinforcing the importance of smart and calculated maneuvers to assert dominance over the seas.
Players are given various options for engaging in real-time battles, including Legion Battles where team up with fellow commanders, Cross-server Battles that pit top players against each other across different servers, and Ocean Expeditions that host large-scale battles. Additionally, Home Defense missions require players to protect their server from external threats, fostering a sense of community and teamwork among participants.
The game also features an interactive global warfare environment through a translation system that facilitates communication among millions of players worldwide, creating connections and camaraderie. With striking graphics and engaging animations, Fleet Command aims to immerse players in a detailed naval combat experience, while offering diverse gameplay through advanced technologies, experienced personnel, and even unique alien weapons.