In a world left in ruins following the sudden and brutal Rapture invasion, humanity faces overwhelming despair. The attack came without any warning, and despite mankind's advanced technology, humans were unable to defend themselves against this formidable enemy. Countless lives were lost as survivors were ruthlessly hunted down. As a result of this devastation, humans were forced to retreat underground, where they faced the harsh reality of their defeat and the loss of their homeland.
During their dark days living beneath the surface, humanity's remaining hope stemmed from the development of humanoid weapons. Designed to fight back against the Rapture, these weapons were born out of desperation and ingenuity. However, they proved only marginally effective, resulting in only limited successes in the struggle against their foes. This led to a grim acceptance among the remaining survivors that defeating the Rapture would not come easily, and the burden of reclaiming their world seemed almost insurmountable.
Decades later, a group of girls awakens in the Ark, representing the culmination of humanity's technological advancements and collective will to fight back. These girls are designed to be the harbingers of hope, as they prepare to ascend to the surface after years of isolation. Carrying the hopes and aspirations of all that remains of humankind, they are referred to as Nikke, drawing their name from the Greek Goddess of Victory, Nike. These girls symbolize humanity's last chance for revenge and reclaiming their world from the merciless invaders.
The gameplay promises a vivid and engaging experience, featuring extraordinary characters with unique personalities and high-quality animations. Players will be immersed in a richly detailed post-apocalyptic world where innovative tactical combat awaits. With a focus on using a variety of character weapons and skills, players will navigate a narrative filled with excitement and emotional stakes, embarking on a quest that encapsulates both the thrills and challenges of this new reality.