The limited-time Lightchase event titled "Everlasting Glory" runs from December 18 to January 7, showcasing a new dual-form 6-star set called "Sanctity Glow," a 5-star set known as "Devouring Burn," and an exciting new SSR Ally. The 6-star set is shrouded in mystery with its holder being referred to as "Eternal Radiance," while the 5-star set embodies a strong and determined sentiment about taking control of one's destiny in life rather than succumbing to it.
Additionally, players can take advantage of the "Radiant Gifts Special Offer" during this event, with enticing rewards for logging in regularly. They can also expect a login bonus, named "Tangled Fates," which includes 15 Lasting Deals, a 5-star accessory called "Heaven's Tear," a charming Dolphin Navigate effect, a City of Dream chat background, a Destiny Card photo frame, along with a generous total of 200 Diamonds.
Exciting new events are also being introduced, including "Roaming Rose," "Squirrel Discovery," "Styling Wizard - Sweet Joy," "Puffy Dream," and "Clownfish Care." These events are set to provide players with free 5-star and 4-star sets, enriching the gaming experience. Additionally, players can participate in the Cafe Project where they can engage with various scenes, poses, and limited accessories while also dressing up their pets.
Players should also log in to claim a special 6-star limited set named "Rosy Revelation" along with a static pose during the "Thank-you Celebration." From December 27 to January 16, the Lightchase event "Rosy Pray" will be returning, featuring intriguing 5-star sets and an SR Ally. Furthermore, the Event Encore will allow participants to craft fashions that they may have missed from previous events.
In addition to these events, new content is continuously being introduced, like the availability of adorable new pet rabbits that add a unique charm to the game. The new Mind Travel chapter, titled "Nightlong Snow," will launch on January 1, promising to bring fresh narratives and gameplay experiences. Players can expect a variety of Fashion Codes and several packs like the Starlight Fantasy Pack which will include limited Pet Fashion Packs and other enchanting appearance packs, all set to enhance one's gameplay in Life Makeover.