Zenless Zone Zero is an exciting new 3D action game developed by HoYoverse, set in a world suffering from an enigmatic disaster known as "Hollows." Within this disaster-stricken environment, the city of New Eridu stands out as a pivotal location. This city has managed to thrive amidst chaos, housing a diverse population that includes powerful elites, cunning gangs, and shadowy schemers. Players take on the role of a Proxy, essential for navigating between New Eridu and the treacherous Hollows, further emphasizing the dangers that lurk outside the city.
The game offers a dynamic combat system where players can assemble a squad of three characters to engage in fast-paced battles against various foes. Players have access to an array of Basic and Special Attacks, and through clever maneuvers like dodging and parrying, they can counter their opponents’ attacks. Each enemy possesses unique traits and weaknesses, encouraging players to strategize and utilize these weaknesses to prevail in combat. This adds depth to the gameplay as players must adapt to their opponents’ characteristics while executing powerful combinations during battle.
Zenless Zone Zero is not only about combat; it also immerses players in a striking visual world characterized by vibrant art and expressive character designs. The engaging atmosphere is complemented by a thoughtfully composed soundtrack, enhancing the overall gaming experience. With its unique style and captivating animations, players can expect to be fully enveloped in the shared journey of the game, creating memorable moments throughout.
The interactions with various factions in New Eridu present additional gameplay layers, as Proxies need Agents to facilitate their missions. Players will encounter a range of characters, each with their own stories and backgrounds, which can lead to the formation of alliances. Engaging with these characters will likely reveal unique experiences and deepen the player's connection to the game's world. As exploration and friendship are central to progressing in the game, players are encouraged to build their networks, fostering partnerships that will aid them on their adventures through the treacherous Hollows.